2 research outputs found


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    Smart mobile pharmacy has become a necessary requirement in improving the quality of healthy life in the last five years. Determining the type of medication and calculating the dose for each patient according to the patient's condition, monitoring the patient at the post and how to take the doses on time have a great effect on improving the patient's condition as soon as possible.In this paper, a system of monitoring, monitoring, and guidance based on potency management have been designed to contain a cloud data storage platform and its implementation to solve the above problem.The system is achieved by connecting each item (Medicine bottle) to a device (RFID) to verify that the patient has arrived in the bottle the correct medicine and is equipped with suppression of the treatment of the drug contains the sensors of weight to be sent all information to the control unit to be over the Internet through the routing portal.All data is stored in the first two data folders, which are static and the second is mobile. Synchronization between the two stations is performed to update the information and will be executed on a server that uses an MQTT protocol to register and integrate messages on the platform. The results of the experiment show the speed of guidance and reduce cost and reduce energy

    A Survey on the applications of IoT: an investigation into existing environments, present challenges and future opportunities

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    In today’s digital environment, devices are able to interconnect and react to contextual data more than ever before: artificial intelligence is beginning to coordinate how data collected from sensors and de-vices within the network is analysed, and device ecosystems are replacing standalone devices to deliver solutions to the user. In this paper, the researcher explores current implementations of IoT that have led to positive outcomes for the user; but also, the challenges that remain in today’s applications. Moreover, ex-ploring these current barriers may be able to infer future applications capable of being deployed on a global scal